M?ori ICT
11:30am, level 2, room 212
Warren Williams – Digitaltaniwha.com
Amber Craig – InternetNZ
Amber Craig – InternetNZ
Manawa Udy – Bob + Bob Creative Ltd
Tags: Culture, Community, Economy and Business
M?ori are key innovators of digital technology. This session will discuss entrepreneurship, improving access, opportunities for iwi and hap? and how M?oritanga can influence and be influenced by the Internet.
Questions to consider:
What does the internet do well for M?ori culture? For M?ori business? For M?ori Leadership?
As natural entrepreneurs, how has, how does, or how could the internet provide new tools, and new frontiers for M?ori?
What does the internet mean for the connection of M?ori back to their wh?nau, h?pu and iwi? And for the sharing of knowledge and tikanga?
Where and how does Te Ao M?ori (tikanga, kaupapa, whakaaro) exist in tension with the internet?